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This job has been closed. You will find bellow the job description as a reminder. It is not possible to apply anymore.

Salary: Open
Sub-industry: Pharmaceuticals
Function: Healthcare R&D
Posted On: 2018-08-20

Company Overview

Global Pharmaceutical industry/外資系製薬会社

Job Description

Pathologist (Manager) / 非臨床安全性マネージャー職
This position is responsible for non-clinical safety evaluations of multiple complex projects with toxicology/pathology knowledge in accordance to all applicable guidelines/regulations in close cooperation with partners and leading the interactions with Japanese regulatory agencies.


・Certification of veterinarian(獣医師資格)
・Certification of Japanese Social of Toxicologica Pathology (日本毒性病理学会 毒性病理学専門家認定資格)

Additional Information

Location:Western part of Japan(関西勤務)